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Inside The Greenroom | AYR

99.The Creativity Leap: Unleash Curiosity, Improvisation, and Intuition with Natalie Nixon

Jun 24, 2021

Creativity is just connecting things - Steve Jobs.

When you look back throughout history you will find that some of the best innovators in time have used their creativity to produce new technologies and business practices that have changed the course of our world. While these feats seem near impossible, these top dogs...

Jun 24, 2021

Creativity is just connecting things - Steve Jobs.

When you look back throughout history you will find that some of the best innovators in time have used their creativity to produce new technologies and business practices that have changed the course of our world. While these feats seem near impossible, these top dogs...

Jun 17, 2021

As entrepreneurs, speakers, and meeting planners we are intimately familiar with the complicated experience that is paid advertising. How exactly do you even use metrics, how to get the most bang for your buck, and does it even work? 

Our guest to today is social media marketing expert, professional speaker, coach, and...

Jun 3, 2021

Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Robert Kiyosaki, all household names that have made a huge impact not just with entrepreneurs but in the world as well. We’ve all heard their journeys, read their books, and watched them closely, but when it comes to your own journey do you see similarities?

Welcome back to Inside...